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The Minimate Plus and Series III monitoring units were retired by Instantel in 2016. IGS has a limited number of refurbished 8-channel units available with horizontal geophones. While Instantel no longer manufactures the base units, the sensors are still available for purchase new. The 8-channel unit offers the flexibility of recording two geophones and up to two microphones on one seismograph.

  • Sample rates from 1,024 to 4,096 samples per second

  • 8-Channel unit allows for two triaxial geophones and two microphones (A-Weight Sound or Linear) to be operated on one Minimate Plus monitor

  • Any channel can be matched to a wide variety of sensors: geophones, accelerometers or hydrophones

  • ISEE Geophone (2 to 250 Hz) *Available as a borehole

  • DIN Geophone (1 to 315 Hz) *Available as a borehole

  • Air Overpressure (Linear) Microphone

  • A-Weight Microphone

*Advanced sensors require THOR Advanced Software License

  • High-Frequency Geophone (30 to 1000 Hz) *Available as a borehole

  • High-Pressure Microphone (up to 10 psi)

  • Hydrophone (8 to 500 Hz)

  • Accelerometers (0.5 g, 50 g and 500 g)

  • 100X Gain Geophone (resolution up to 1.0 in/s)

  • 10X Gain Geophone (resolution up to 0.1 in/s)

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