IGS offers a convenient mix of learning opportunities in a variety of formats, and in a range of price points; from in-person learning to webinars or customized programs. We’re also pleased to offer condensed versions for public meetings, such as town halls.
Our instructors are subject matter experts who handle the equipment in the field every day. This has allowed us to create training programs that meet the needs of every workplace and job site. The instructors will take you through the basic theory of what and why you’re monitoring to proper installation and troubleshooting techniques.
On-site programs offer a more hands-on approach. An IGS instructor will come to your site to offer an in-class training program or provide specific support on setting up equipment and trouble shooting in the field.
Our structured webinar classes allow the flexibility for multiple offices to benefit from the same training. Participants can join from anywhere and course material is provided electronically.
This is a great opportunity to increase public relations. IGS has found utility in helping the public understand why operations are monitoring and how those services are conducted. These abridged programs focus on theory.